Creative Composition (Practical)

Paper Code: 
VAS(C) 425
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Student will be able to –

  1. Explore opportunities art world provides to original art created with professional understanding of art elements and principles.
  2. Learn techniques and tool handling to produce sculptural surfaces of their desire
  3. Illustrate their ideologies and understanding of socio political issues in terms of 3D work of art.




  Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

VAS(C) 425


Creative Composition (Practical)



The students will be able to-

CO72:  Create a series of original works of art with coherent formal, conceptual, and procedural relationships to one another.


CO73:  Develop marketable art products/portfolio and professionally display art works in an exhibition space


CO74: Demonstrate professional level of expertise in casting and mould making processes. In addition to that employ direct building techniques like Fluxus,  performance, music, etc in their mix media artworks to construct an environment. 










Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion on composition subjects, Tutorials, Videos, Demonstration, Reading assignments.


Learning activities for the students:

 Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical, handling of photography tools.


Semester end examinations, Continuous Assessment Test, Sketching, layouts Viva-Voice on display of artworks, Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and regular submission.





































Student will prepare a creative sculpture based on figures in his own style using different techniques and mediums.

Submission: 3 works of 2’ minimum


  1. Vergie Lea, Art on the Cutting Edge – A guide to Contemporary Movements, Skira Paperbag, 2001, Milan, Italy
  2. Ian Dawson – Making Contemporary Sculpture
  3. The 21st Century Art book – Phaidon
  4. Pran Nath Mago - Contemporary Art of India
  5. Michael Archer – Installation Art – Thames & Hudson
  6. Willium Schultz Linduff – Art Past Art Present
  7. Williemian Brand – Visual Thinking
  8. Willium Tucker - Language of Art
  9. Devi Prasad – Ramkinker Vaij
  10. Norbert Lynton – The Story of Modern Art
Academic Year: