Creative Portrait (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to construct original compositional artworks that reflect their accumulated knowledge of art. Showcase a unique thought process by utilizing the form of a human head, and produce artworks that illustrate individual aesthetics, incorporating properties of art such as balance, rhythm, emphasis, and movement.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title



Creative Portrait



CO20: Analyze self-expression and creativity through layouts and sketches to observe, interpret, and portray forms, creatively showcasing original thought through the human head.


CO21: Create a portfolio showcasing individual concepts through portrait forms, expressing ideas via the human head. Experiment with various art mediums to determine their visual language.


CO22: Appraise creative portraits, analyzing personal aesthetics and market relevance to establish as a distinguished artist.


CO23: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion on composition subjects, Tutorials, Videos, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Sketching, lay outing of composition, Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical, handling of tools, machines, and casting and molding equipment.

Layouts and Sketches, Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction and Final Submissions.




Student will prepare a creative portrait in his own style using different techniques and mediums.


SUBMISSION: 4 works size 18” minimum



Essential Readings: 
  1. Julia L. Kay, Portrait Revolution, Watson Gulpitt
  2. Rosie Llewwllyn Jones, Portraits in Princely India, The Marg Foundation
  3. Ricardo Barros, Facing Sculpture: A Portfolio of Portraits, Sculpture and Related Ideas, Image Spring Press


Suggested Readings:

  1. Vijaya Laxmi Singh, Women and Gender in Ancient India: A Study of Texts and Inscriptions, Aryan Book International, 2015
  2. Sunil Gawde (The Sculptor), Popular Prakashan, Bombay


Academic Year: