Digital Sculpting – II (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to utilize their full range of skills developed so far to create final 3D printed maquettes. They will learn to manipulate forms via 3D scanning. Scan their physical sculptures to enhance them further digitally.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies


Course Code

Course Title


Digital Sculpting – II


CO189: Construct a progress report exemplifying the steps taken to display advanced techniques and creative application through use of advanced tools.


CO190: Create a portfolio showcasing their skills of manipulating complex forms by importing and editing 3D scans of physical objects that creates employment opportunity in global field of 3D sculpting.


CO191: Justify the aesthetic and compositional skills of their art works building professional ethics and code of conduct of industry standards.


CO192: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion on composition subjects, Tutorials, Videos, Demonstration, Reading assignments.

Learning activities for the students:

 Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical, handling of software.

Layouts and Sketches, Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction and Final Submissions.



  1. Introduction to advanced sculpting tools and techniques.
  2. Creating a complex organic form or composition utilizing understandings of manipulating forms.
  3. Introduction to 3D Scanning.
  4. Importing and editing 3D scans.
  5. Techniques for integrating digital enhancements into traditional sculptures.
  6. Digitally enhancing a 3D scan of a physical sculpture.
  7. Techniques for managing complex scenes with multiple elements.
  8. Develop a complex scene with multiple components.


SUBMISSIONS:  3 Comprehensive projects with 3D printed maquettes.

Essential Readings: 
  1. 3dtotal,”Beginner's Guide to ZBrush” ,3DTotal Publishing (26 December 2017)


Suggested Readings:

  1. Brenda Curviz,”ZBRUSH For Beginners: Learn How to Use ZBrush for Digital Sculpting and Illustration; for Beginners & Professionals” Kindle Edition March 5, 2023


Academic Year: