Graphic Design III (Practical)

Paper Code: 
VAA(G) 324
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


This course will enable the students to-

  1. Describe and analyze the relevant services and social problems prevailing in the society
  2. Identify the target market
  3. Create and defend the campaign strategy
  4. Design an effective advertising campaign to be run in different advertising media for specific target groups



Course Outcomes

Learning And Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title




VAA(G) 324








Graphic Design-III





The Students Will -


CO73: Identify the factors leading to social problems and develop a plan for creating an ad campaign to eradicate the issues


CO74: Gather and compile the detailed information related to the problem from primary and secondary sources and analyze the data for creating the effective message for society to leave a positive impact


CO75: Develop a Big Idea and break it into series of advertisements to be run in specified time duration for reminding the target group them in taking an action


CO76: Combine the design elements and principles in designing software's for giving final shape to an idea to communicate the message to the target market


CO77: Plan an ad campaign for the service provider depicting their USP through an effective copy and supporting visual to attract the target market


CO78: Assess the effectiveness of various advertising medias and place the advertisement in the appropriate media to reach the right target market at right time & place


Approach In Teaching:

Tutorials, Demonstration, Guided Exploration, Guided Activity


Learning Activities For The Students:

Self Learning Assignments, Giving Tasks, Visualization, Experimenting, Sketching To Learn



Semester End Practical Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction And Final Submissions



  • Design. 1 Major Campaign on any Service taking traditional and modern media.
  • One Mini Social Campaign on Rural Problem




Academic Year: