Graphic Illustration- IV (Practical)

Paper Code: 
VAA(G) 423
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to-

  1. Describe figures, objects, and environments using line, value, and pattern
  2. Demonstrate proficiency with classical and experimental drawing techniques
  3. Understand how to render objects in light and shadow
  4. Apply the skills using variety of media and formats, and understand the basics of layout and the use of type




 Course Outcomes

Learning And Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title






VAA(G) 423





Graphic Illustration- IV






The Students Will Be Able To-

CO100: Create illustrations from the development of the original concept to final execution


CO101: Communicate visually using drawing as a means of visual exploration, idea analysis, problem solving and expression of thought


CO102: Use a variety of technologies to create, capture and manipulate illustration elements in producing a final product


CO103: Work in a professional manner, maintaining professional relationships and communicating effectively with clients




Approach In Teaching:


Discussion, Tutorials, Demonstration, Brainstorming


Learning Activities For The Students:


Self Learning Assignments, Giving Tasks, Visualization, Experimenting, Sketching To Learn, Free Exploration, Focused Exploration



Semester End Practical Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction And Final Submissions



  • Students will undertake at least two major illustration projects and execute them according to the market trend, they will also learn about the reproduction processes of the same. Students will be free to take market work, but prepare under the supervision of a class teacher.

Submission: - Two major projects consist of ten illustrations each project of 10”x15” size.

Academic Year: