Modeling (Composition in Round) (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to generate a practical experience of working with larger quantity of materials in clay to interpret the chrematistic features of organic forms such as a birds, animals, human beings, plants and other environmental objects through structure, proportion, texture. Compose a 3D work of art using two or more forms to execute in casting.


Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24VAS 332

Modeling (Composition in Round)


CO7  Develop Maquettes and layouts to create movement and rhythm between two or more forms constructing an aesthetically pleasing composition using various tools, methods and material.


CO8: Prepare submissions displaying the developed skill and understanding of a 3D composition on armature with building, sculpting, molding, and finishing.


CO9  Create sculpture displaying an understanding of anatomy of the chosen forms in the composition to justify the attained skill and learning throughout the session.


CO10:  Justify her attained skills of composition and medium developed by arguing and answering questions in viva-voce in front of an expert.


CO11:   Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Assignments, Brainstorming, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students: Self-Learning Assignments, Giving Tasks, Visualization, Experimenting, Sketching to Learn, Free Exploration, Focused Exploration

One Annual Practice Test, Daily, Layouts, Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction, Display and Final Submissions  





Composition based on studies from the nature & environment.


Submissions: 2 sculptures


Essential Readings: 
  1. Nicholas de Oliveira, Installation Art, Thames & Hudson
  2. Modern Art, Flame Tree Publishing, UK , 2005



Suggested Readings:          

  1. Roy C. Craven, Indian Art - revised edition, Thames & Hudson


Academic Year: