Photography (Practical)

Paper Code: 
VAA 305
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. Introduction to camera.
  2. An understanding of light and its properties.
  3. Understanding common features like shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO, White Balance, Focal Length, Depth of Field, Exposure Compensation.
  4. Understanding the role of composition in photography. or An aesthetic approach - dynamic and color composition theories and new theories practiced in the present context.
  5. A study of various lens options and their use for specific applications.
  6. Indoor and Outdoor photography.
  7. The importance of accessories like reflective mediums, corrective and creative filters and camera supports like tripods.
  8. Familiarity with common errors and way to avoid or correct them.
  9. Being conversant with Photoshop tools and applying them for purposes of image enhancement. The proper perspective, reproduce true color tones and highlight textural and other effects which are the special characteristics of the particular work of art.
  10. Understanding digital corrections like sharpening, histograms, saturation and contrast control.
  11. File formats and sizing.
  12. Table Top.

Submission: 5 Plates exercise, 5 Plates Table Top

Academic Year: