Western Art History

Paper Code: 
VAS(C) 321
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to:

  1. Distinguish between the works of each era with respect to the style of work
  2. Develop an understanding of how art changes according to social political change
  3. Read and analyze paintings, sculptures and architecture.



Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

VAS(C) 321

Western Art History (Theory)



The students will be able to-

CO39:Distinguish between sculptural practices of Indian and Western art.


CO40:Evaluate the techniques of stone carving, metallurgy, and casting used by artists mentioned in the syllabus


CO41:  Identify various civilizations and their interpretations and usage of art.


CO42:Recognize the grandiosity of sculptures and architectures of these eras. To show deep appreciation for art of the world.




Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration.

Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks.


Semester end examinations, Continuous Assessment Test, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects, regular submission.


Unit I: 
Egyptian Art
  1. Introduction (Old, Middle and New)
  2. Relief- Hierakonpolis  Pallate of king Narmer
  3. The Great Pyramids
  4. The Great Sphinx of Giza
  5. The smaller pyramids and tombs of Ancient Egypt,
  6. Temple of Hatshipsut
  7. Portraitures
Unit II: 
Greek Art - Archaic
  1. Ancient Greek pottery: Geometric and Proto Geometric pottery
  2. Archaic Period: Black figure and red figure vases
  3. Sculptures (Kouros and Kore)
Unit III: 
Greek Art -Classical
  1. Classical Period Architecture (Orders- Doric, Ionic and Corinthian)

  2. Classical Period Sculpture Kritios Boy and Sculptor Policlitus

  3. Classical Painting

Unit IV: 
Greek Art – Hellenistic
  1. Hellenistic Period: Sculptors Prexitilis, Scopas, Lyssipus
  2. Sculptures
    1. Dying Gaul,
    2. Barberine Faun,
    3. Alter at Pergamum,
    4. Nike of Samothrace,
    5. Laocoon
Unit V: 
Roman Art
  1. Architecture:

    o   Temple of Fortuna Virilis,

    o   Temple of Sibyl,

    o   Sanctury of Fortuna

    o   Primigenia,

    o    Colloseum

  2. Sculptures

    1. Portraits,

    2. Narrative Relief- Ara Pacis, Arch of Titus, Column of Trajan, Arch of Constantine

  3. Paintings



  1. Cyril Aldred – Egyptian Art Thame & Hudson World of art
  2. John Griffths Pedley – Greek Art and Archaeology
  3. The Book of Art Vol 1 – Origin of Western Art – Revised Edition – Grolier
  4. Janson. H.W. – The Story of Art History
  5. Gombrich – The Story of Art
Academic Year: