History of Indian Aesthetics- The Scope, Historical perspective and Evolution of the Dramatic Art, Natyashastra, Its Meaning and Aim
Rasa: Types of Rasa and their aesthetic experience, Bharata’s conception of Rasa, Constituents of Rasa and their relation with Bhavas
Commentators on Bharata’s Natyashastra: Bhatta Lollatta, Bhatta Shankuka, Bhatta Nayaka
Abhinava Gupta: The Meaning of Rasa, His explanation on the omission of “Sthayin” in Bharata’s definition of Rasa.
Dhvani, Alamkara, Auchitya, Riti, Guna-Dosha
Vishnu Dharmottar Purana: Contribution of Chitrasutra to Indian Aesthetics.
Shadanga: Six Limbs of Painting by Abanindranath Tagore
Aesthetic Theories of Ananda Coomaraswamy