Aesthetics - Indian (Theory)

Paper Code: 
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The course will enable the students to learn about the historical origin of Indian Aesthetics. Understand about Indian philosophers and their theories. Appreciate and criticize a work of art on the basis of its elements and principles. Summarize the relationship between art, philosophy and aesthetics.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24CVA A502

Aesthetics - Indian


CO109: Build up an overall understanding of the Indian aesthetics, Natyashastra and concept of Beauty. 


CO110: Categorize types of Rasa and their aesthetics experience; explain Bharata’s conception of Rasa, Constituents of Rasa and their relation with Bhavas


CO111: Summarize the theories given by Commentators Bhatta Lollatta, Bhatta Shankuka, Bhatta Nayaka and Abhinava Gupta on Bharata’s Natyashastra.


CO112:  Explain Indian theories and chitrasutra in context to aesthetics.


CO113:  Incorporate knowledge of Shadanga and aesthetic theories of Ananda Coomaraswamy in critical writings.


CO114: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in Teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading Assignments, Multiple Points of View


Learning Activities for The Students: Self-Learning Assignments, Effective Questions, Giving Tasks, Oral Explanation

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examination, Quiz, Solving Problems in Tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual And Group Projects


Unit I: 
Indian Aesthetics-Concept of Beauty and Natyashastra

An introduction to Aesthetics – Indian and its brief historical background and evolution of the dramatic art, Natyashastra, its meaning and aim

Concept of Beauty based on ancient scriptures and their relevance to art (according to the classical sanskrit literature)


Unit II: 
Rasa and Bhava

Rasa: Types of Rasa and their aesthetic experience, Bharata’s conception of Rasa, Constituents of Rasa and their relation with Bhavas


Unit III: 
Commentators on Bharata’s Natyashastra

Commentators on Bharata’s Natyashastra: Bhatta Lollata, Bhatta Shankuka, Bhatta Nayaka Abhinava Gupta: The Meaning of Rasa, His explanation on the omission of “Sthayin” in Bharata’s definition of Rasa.


Unit IV: 
Indian Theories and Vishnu Dharmottar Purana

Dhvani, Alamkara, Auchitya, Riti, Guna-Dosha

Vishnudharmottara Purana: Contribution of Chitrasutra to Indian Aesthetics.


Unit V: 
Shadanga and Ananda Coomaraswamy

Shadanga: Six Limbs of Painting by Abanindranath Tagore

Aesthetic theories of Ananda Coomaraswamy


Essential Readings: 
  1. V.S. Seturaman, Indian Aesthetics: an introduction, Madras : Macmillan India, 1992
  2. Priyadarshi Patnaik, Rasa in Aesthetics: An Application of Rasa Theory to Modern Western Literature, 2013 by D.K. Printworld
  3. Srivastava, Balram, Nature of Indian Aesthetics, Delhi: Chaukhambha Orientalia, 1985
  4. Feagin, Aesthetics, 1997
  5. Levinson, Jerrold, The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics, 2003
  6. Bharat Muni, Natya Shastra
  7. Manish_dutta, Natya Shastra Of Bharat Muni Part 1 Pradipa Hindi Vyakhya BabuLal Shukla Shastri Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series.
  8. U.R. Ananthamurthy, Bhava, Penguin India, 2000
  9. Pandey, Dr. Kanti Chandra, Comparative Aesthetics Vol.-i Indian Aesthetics Second Edition, 1959


Suggested Readings:

  1. JOA - Journal of Arts
  2. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts
  3. Atishay Kalit- A Bilingual Research Journal of Fine Arts, Culture and Humanities
  4. Kala: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress


Academic Year: