An introduction to Indian Aesthetics and its brief historical background
Concept of Beauty based on ancient Scriptures and their relevance to art (acc. To the classical Sanskrit Literature)
Rasa Theory of Bharat Muni in his Natya Shastra
Development of Rasa Theory:
Dhvani, Bhava, Alankara, Auchitya, Riti, Guna-Dosha, Vyanjana
Aesthetic experience and its commentators: Bhatta Lollatta, Bhatta Shankuka, Bhatta Nayaka
Theory of Abhinava Gupta in Abhinav Bharti
Ananda Vardhana’s Dvanayaloka
Vishnu Dharmottar Purana
Aesthetic Theories of Ananda Coomaraswamy
Shadang (Six Cannons) by Abanindranath Tagore