Dissertation (Practical)

Paper Code: 
24VAG 422
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to develop critical and analytical skills, enabling students to identify the most significant aspects of a study and present them effectively. Enhance written communication abilities, ensuring they can produce synopsis that are informative, engaging, and suitable for various academic and professional contexts. Summarize complex ideas and research into concise, coherent, and compelling overviews.



Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcomes (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title































Dissertation (Practical)

CO76: Develop the ability to critically analyze and present      the                  essential information, methodologies,         and findings    of    a                 research study in a coherent and engaging    manner using PowerPoint


CO77: Explain the research process and defend the progress confidently during viva and identify areas for improvement and further development in the selected topic

CO78: Produce the synopsis professionally by integrating information from diverse sources that provides a complete view of the selected topic

CO79:               Contribute effectively in course- specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration.

Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks.

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examination

, PPT, Viva, Student Teacher Interaction, Final Presentation

, Report.


The students will have to submit the final Dissertation after checking plagiarism, authenticity, and social benefits in the field she has chosen, in five copies along with a soft copy in CD with the practical submission. A Viva is to be conducted by a jury of two expert’s examiners.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Research Methodology and Statistical Techniques By Santosh Gupta
  2. MLA Handbook, 9/e by The Modern Language Association of America
  3. MLA 9 Simplified: Easy Way Guide to MLA Handbook: Updated for the MLA 9th Edition Handbook by Appearance Publishers
  4. Writing ‘How-to’ Articles and Books by Chriss McCallum
  5. Research Methodology by Satendra Kumar
  6. Research and Publication Ethics by Santosh Kumar Yadav
  7. Research Methods by Ram Ahuja

Suggested Reading:

  1. JOA - Journal of Arts
  2. ShabdKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts
  3. Atishay Kalit- A Bilingual Research Journal of Fine Arts, Culture and Humanities
  4. Kala: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress.


Academic Year: