The course will enable the students to:
Byzantine Art: Art and architecture-Church St. Vitale Ravenna (Mosaics: Emperor Justinian and his Attendants, Empress Theodora and her Attendants), Hagia Sophia Istanbul, St. Mark’s Church.
Iconoclasts and Iconophiles
Romanesque Art: Sculpture, Painting, Architecture: St. Remi Church, Reims (1049) France, Notre-Dame, Paray-le-Monial (1090) France, The Cathedral of Saint Lazarus of Autun
Gothic Architecture: Architect Abbot Suger, General characteristics and components of Churches and Cathedral (Stained glass windows, Choir, Pulpits, Altarpieces)
Gothic Sculptures– Jamb Statues of Chartres Cathedral, Death of Virgin in Strasbourg Cathedral, Annunciation and Visitation in Reims Cathedral, The Virgin of Paris Notre- Dame, The Kiss of Judas and Crucifixion in Naumburg Cathedral, The Pieta
Gothic paintings
The Early Renaissance artists and their works
The High Renaissance: Painters, Sculptors, Architects and their works
Suggested Text Books/Suggested Reference Books:
Reference Journals