Illustration – I (Practical)

Paper Code: 
VAA(I) 423
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to-

  1. Understand the importance of perspective in any architecture with respect to the space
  2. Assess how value, contrast and colour improves visual communication
  3. Identify, summarize and justify the needs of the client with an effective and appropriate ambience plan with respect to the allotted budget





 Course Outcomes

Learning And Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

VAA(I) 423

Illustration I






The Students Will Be Able To-

CO 106: Apply knowledge and skills in the use of basic tools, techniques, and processes sufficient to work from concept to finished product, including knowledge of paints and surfaces


CO 107:Analyze interiors, architecture, the decorative arts, and art within a historical and cultural context to inform contemporary design solutions


CO 108: Apply environment-behaviour research methodologies to address open-ended problems in interior design


CO 109:demonstrate an understanding of how value, contrast, and color affect the clarity of visual communication



Approach In Teaching:


Discussion, Tutorials, Demonstration, Brainstorming


Learning Activities For The Students:


Self Learning Assignments, Giving Tasks, Visualization, Experimenting, Sketching To Learn, Free Exploration, Focused Exploration



Semester End Practical Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction And Final Submissions



  • Illustrate various architectures and apply them for commercial purpose
  • Ambiance Plan for any two Organizations

Submission: 6 Works


Academic Year: