Illustration- I (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to understand the critical role of perspective in architectural design, ensuring effective spatial planning and representation. Assess how value, contrast, and color enhance the visual communication, making designs more compelling and understandable. Identify, summarize, and justify the needs of client, create effective and appropriate ambience plans that align with the allotted budget, ensuring both client satisfaction and project feasibility.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Illustration- I (Practical)

CO80: Create detailed sketches of architecture and produce the effective layouts of ambience plan for an organization


CO81: Produce a professional portfolio showcasing a range of architecture illustrations and aesthetically appealing ambience plan for varied purposes by combining design principles and elements manually & digitally


CO82: Develop the ability to effectively communicate the purpose of architectural illustrations and its use in design visually and effectively present the ambience plan to foster collaboration & teamwork and establish herself as an artist


CO83: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion,

Ideation, Tutorials, Assignments, Brainstorming, Demonstration


Learning activities for the students: Self-Learning Assignments, Giving Tasks, Visualization, Experimenting, Sketching to Learn, Free Exploration, Focused Exploration.

Layouts & Sketches, Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End  Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction and Final Submissions


  • Illustrate various architectures and apply them for commercial purpose
  • Ambiance Plan for any two Organisations

Submission: 6 Works


Essential Readings: 
  1. Barrington Barber, The Complete Fundamentals of Drawing, Arcturus Publishing Limited
  2. Drawing Perspective Step by Step, Konemann
  3. Ruzaaimi Mat Rani, Perspective Creative 02, W&V Press
  4. Gupta, S.P. ; Asthana,Shashi Prabha, Elements of Indian Art : Including Temple Architecture, Iconography & Iconometry, New Delhi : Indraprastha Museum of Art and Archaeology, 2002
  5. Cole,Emily, The Grammar Of Architecture, Bulfinch Press, 2002


Suggested Readings:

  1. Tadgell, The History of Architecture in India, Oxford : Phaidon Press Ltd.,
  2. Verma,S.P, Ornamentation in Indian Architecture: Oriental Motifs and Designs, Delhi : Aryan Book International, 2014


Academic Year: