INTERNSHIP (Practical)

Paper Code: 
CVAA 801
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 



The course will enable the students to- 

  1. Recognize and construct their potential according to the market parameters
  2. Assess the need and importance of meeting deadline
  3. Summarize the work done in a report
  4. Choose the appropriate channels to reach the target audience in an effective manner



Course Outcomes 

Learning And Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title

CVAA 801





The Students Will


CO213: Integrate professional attitudes and behaviours to work in the market


CO214: Appraise industry standards and express it in their artworks


CO215: Assess & evaluate her capabilities for future endeavours


CO216: Defend the artwork in front of client


CO217: Assess and judge her capabilities to conclude her field of work


CO218: Choose practical field training to generate work experience


Hands on training

Continuous Assessment, Semester End Examination


Students will be required to undergo three months practical training under an agency or a photographer. The training is an opportunity to gain work experience in an area of interest. Students may be asked to select a particular area of her interest and visit any news agency, advertising and branding agency, graphic design studios, web publications, digital production studio, multimedia production houses, magazines, newspapers, printing houses, television/entertainment industries, or government agencies.


The student will also make a detailed report of the day to day work and attach her own photographs of the learning stages. She has to submit the same to the teacher mentor and will take a viva-voce to clear the paper.


The artist/agency under whom the student is taking training will create a report of the student on the basis of Attendance, Regularity, Sincerity, Creativity, work done during the training, and overall performance of the student. The student will work for minimum 300 hours during the semester to earn 20 credits and minimum 40% marks out of 600. 

Academic Year: