Introduction to Ancient Art (Theory)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to acquire knowledge of ancient art history of paleolithic and chalcolithic eras, observing their artwork and interpret their importance in present day context.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24CVA F201

Introduction to Ancient Art (Theory)

CO22: Formulate an in-depth understanding of Prehistoric cave art of India


CO23: Understand and evaluate the cultural significance, techniques, materials, architecture etc of the Indus Valley Civilization.


CO24: Reflect  on the understanding of Prehistoric art of France


CO25: Analyse and interpret the cave art of the Prehistoric period in Spain


CO26: Enhance knowledge and analyse the art of Ancient Egyptian art.


CO27: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in Teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading Assignments, Multiple Points of View


Learning Activities for The Students: Self-Learning Assignments, Effective Questions, Giving Tasks, Oral Explanation

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examination, Quiz, Solving Problems in Tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual And Group Projects


Unit I: 
Introduction to Prehistoric Art of India

Bhimbetka, Mirzapur, Singhanpur, Panchmadi, Hoshangabad (Subject matter, Style and Techniques)


Unit II: 
Indus Valley Civilization

Mohenjo Daro and Harappa (Town planning, sculptures and seals)


Unit III: 
Introduction to the Prehistoric art of Europe (France)

Caves of France: Lascaux, Trois Freres, Font de Gaume, Tuc-da-Audoubert


Unit IV: 
Introduction to the Prehistoric art of Europe (Spain)

Introduction to the Prehistoric art of Europe- Cave of Spain: Altamira, La Pileta, El Castillo, La Pasiega, Tito Bustillo

Unit V: 
Egyptian Art

Introduction (Old, Middle and New Kingdom)

Relief- Hierakonpolis, Palette of king Narmer

Pyramids of Giza, Great Sphinx, Portraitures


Essential Readings: 
  1.  Harishankar B.S., Art and Archeology of India
  2.  Neumayer Ervin, Prehistoric Rock, Art of India
  3.  Sandars Nancy, Prehistoric Rock art in Europe
  4.  Curtis Greg, The Cave Painters
  5.  Robins Gay, The Art of Ancient Egypt:


Suggested Reading

  1.  Riggs Christina, Ancient Egyptian Art And architecture:
  2.  Agarwal D.P. ,The Indus Civilization
  3.  JOA - Journal of Arts
  4. ShabdKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts
  5. Atishay Kalit- A Bilingual Research Journal of Fine Arts, Culture and Humanities


Academic Year: