Paper Code: 
CVAA 705
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 



The course will enable the students to- 

  1. Interpret and use the appropriate techniques to create the needed photographs
  2. Interpret different styles of photography
  3. Experiment with lighting techniques
  4. Manipulate an image with various software’s



Course Outcomes 

Learning And Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course Title


CVAA 705





The Students Wil-


CO201: Appraise different Styles of Photography & develop their own style


CO202: Outline the post production techniques

& manipulate the image to fulfil the market requirement


CO203: Develop professional attitudes and behaviours to establish herself in the industry


CO204: Examine & experiment with light to get the required effect in the composition


CO205: Analyse the graphic elements in the surroundings and created setup to create a strong visual output


CO206: Research event & architecture photography in terms of light, compositions & elements to develop required shots


Approach In Teaching:


Tutorials, Ideation, Selection, Development, Debriefing


Learning Activities for The Students: 


Lateral Thinking, Self-Learning Assignments, Giving Tasks, Experimenting

Weekly Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction And Final Submissions



  1. Interpreting light and its complex effects.
  2. Identifying the graphic elements in an image and capturing them to create a strong visual output.
  3. The importance of shadows, highlights and mid tones. High key and low-key situations and ways to build them (product specific or table top).
  4. Event Photography.
  5. Architecture Photography.
  6. Distortions and spherical aberrations and corrective measures.
  7. Creative lighting techniques - mastering continuous light and strobes.
  8. Identifying problems like noise in a digital image. Ways to avoid noise and reduce noise in pre and post production workflow.
  9. Dedicated flash and flash synchronization. 
  10. Applying corrections to RAW file formats without interfering with original captured data.

Note: Photography should focus on techniques and subject matter from Applied point of view


Submission: 10 Plates Experimental, 10 high key and low key

Academic Year: