Seminar (Theory)

Paper Code: 
VAA(G) 222
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The students will have to submit the synopsis at the end of this semester. The viva will be taken by the
external jury members.

1. The student will decide two /three topics and a broad outline of research within fifteen
days of the commencement of the semester with assigned guide. All the faculty members will
give approval for the topic after the discussion on third week of the semester.
2. The students will have to submit the Synopsis report with the practical submission.

Course Outcomes: 




Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24VAA(G) 222

Seminar (Practical)

CO30:  Create effective presentations using PowerPoint to convey the ideas through the proper methodology clearly and engagingly

CO31: Defend their knowledge and understanding of the selected topics through articulate and confident viva sessions

CO32: Produce comprehensive and well-structured reports that reflect their research findings, analytical skills, and conclusions on the seminar topic following research ethics

CO33: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in Teaching: Interactive Discussions, Lectures, Presentations, Reading,

Case Studies


Learning Activities for The Students: Presentations,

Group Discussions, Self-Learning Assignments, Effective Questions, Oral Explanation

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester end examination, PPT, Viva, Student Teacher Interaction, Final Presentation, Report




The student will choose any topic of choice, relevant to the field of specialization and will present a seminar on a scheduled date.


  1. The student will decide two /three topics along with a broad outline of research within fifteen days of the commencement of the semester with her guide. All the faculty members will give approval for the topic after the discussion in the third week of semester.
  2. The students will have to submit the final seminar report along with a soft copy at the time of practical submission.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Research Methodology And Statistical Techniques by Santosh Gupta
  2. MLA Handbook, 9/e by The Modern Language Association of America
  3. MLA 9 Simplified: Easy way guide to MLA Handbook: Updated for the MLA 9th Edition Handbook by Appearance Publishers
  4. Writing ‘How-to’ Articles and Books by Chriss Mccallum
  5. Research Methodology by Satendra Kumar
  6. Research and Publication Ethics by Santosh Kumar Yadav
  7. Research Methods by Ram Ahuja
  8. The Joy of Research by C. Balaji

Suggested Readings:

  1. Journal of Advertising Research (EBSCO)
  2. Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising (EBSCO)
  3. International Journal of Advertising (EBSCO)
  4. Journal of Consumer Behaviour (EBSCO)
  5. International Journal of Advertising & Marketing to Children (EBSCO)
  6. Journal of Interactive Advertising (EBSCO)
  7. Journal of International Marketing & Marketing Management (EBSCO)
  8. British Journal of Marketing (EBSCO)
  9. Journal of Promotion Management (EBSCO)
  10. Public Relation Journal (EBSCO)
  11. Journal of Marketing (JSTOR)
  12. The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (Proquest ABI/INFORM Global)
  13. The Public Relations Journal (Proquest ABI/INFORM Global
  14. Journal of Design (Proquest ABI/INFORM Global)
  15. Design Management Journal (Proquest ABI/INFORM Global)
  16. Emerging Markets Journal (Proquest ABI/INFORM Global)
  17. Asian Marketing Journal (EBSCO)
Academic Year: