VAS 403
Study in Clay
The students will-
CO87: Identify basic skills of sculpting from the live model to improve their deep observation skills.
CO88: Keen examination of form through measurement, massing, volume and rendering through value to construct exact anatomical sculptures.
CO89: Identify the bone structure and muscle distribution of limbs to predict the armature and volume of clay to be added on the sculpture.
CO90:Develop skills of proportion to measure size, shape and position of limbs in various movements to analyse the way human body moves and changes positions.
CO91:Examine the various textures of limbs like skin, wrinkles, nails, veins etc to learn to replicate textures in clay.
CO92: Scale up or down the measurements of the model to experiment with various sizes of sculptures for future references.
CO93: Review their skills of making human limbs by experimenting with various models, young and old, male and female to build a database of knowledge for future use in their sculptures.
Approach in teaching:
Interactive Lectures, Discussion on composition subjects, Tutorials, Videos, Demonstration, Reading assignments.
Learning activities for the students:
Sketching, lay outing of portrait study, Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical, handling of various mediums of art.
Semester end examinations, Continuous Assessment Test, Sketching, layouts Viva-Voice on display of artworks, Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and regular submission.