Synthetic Mould and Cast (Practical)

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable the students to develop understanding of the process of multiple casting in sculptures. Construct or assemble a 3D composition in using their knowledge of mother molds in silicon and multiple castings. 


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Synthetic Mould and Cast



CO95: Enhance their sense of maquettes, layouts and commercial sculptures through material and process of casting and mould making of existing sculptures 


CO96: Compile the techniques and process of clay modeled work the process of synthetic mould making in silicon, rubber, fiber etc to ensure material proficiency in making a reusable mould.


CO97: Justify the process of casting and moulding at advanced level with various new age materials of casting like fiber glass, resin, silicon etc


CO98: Contribute effectively in

course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion on composition subjects, Tutorials, Videos, Demonstration, Reading assignments.


Learning activities for the students:

 Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical, handling of photography tools.

Layouts and Sketches, Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Daily Assignments, Observation, Student Teacher Interaction and Final Submissions.







Simple composition in relief and round with appropriate emphasis on technique of synthetic mold and cast


Submission:   Simple compositions with 2 molds and 2 castings in any of the synthetic mediums

20 Layouts and Drawing


Essential Readings: 
  1. Nicholas Penny, The Materials of Sculpture, Yale University Press


Suggested Readings:

  1. Pip Seymour, The Artist’s Handbook, Arcturus, Grange Books PLC
Academic Year: