VAS 605
Terracotta and Ceramic
The students will -
CO167:Distinguish various constituents of clay, their properties and consistencies so as to rethink their own components of clay and adjust accordingly.
CO168: Improve their handling of tools on the basis of varying clay to execute their desired effect on the wheel or hand coiling method.
CO169:Demonstrate skills related to constructing hollow works in clay. Skills like Throwing, pulling, coiling, joining etc shall be practiced multiple times to get efficient in building a form with even thickness walls without collapsing.
CO170: Manage the sculpture at various moisture levels of clay like leather dry, bone dry etc. Developing an understanding of how clay behaves at varying moisture levels will help them time their artworks better and enhance material proficiency
CO171: Execute the learnt theory of firing of a terracotta or ceramic work. Understanding working of a kiln and various temperatures that need to be achieved for individual processes to later work the kiln exactly how it is required for the sculpture.
CO172: Managing the studio, handling greenware, various clay blends, air tightening their arts works and others in the studio will instill in them ethics to run a professional ceramic studio.
Approach in teaching:
Interactive Lectures, Discussion on composition subjects, Tutorials, Videos, Demonstration, Reading assignments.
Learning activities for the students:
Sketching, lay outing, Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical, handling of matrix, tools and varied materials , giving tasks to create sketches, layouts.
Semester end examinations, Continuous Assessment Test, Sketching, layouts Viva-Voice on display of artworks, Continuous Assessment Test, Quizzes, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and regular submission.