Counselling session 2021-22

Name of the Department: Fine Arts

Name of the Event/Activity/Workshop/Seminar: Counselling Session

Date: 14th July 2021

Venue: Virtual Platform

No. of Participants: 46


Objective of the workshop/seminar/activity: To assist the students in planning for selecting specialisation.


Description :

An important informative counselling session was held on 14th July 2021, in the Department of Fine Arts, The IIS (deemed to be) University, Jaipur. This session was held with the Head of the Department and other faculties of the department of visual arts. Total of 46 students participated who have enrolled themselves for the new academic session of 2021-22. This orientation benefitted the new students to opt for their specialization thereafter.

Dr. Ujjvala Tiwari started the session with the basics of the fine arts programme. Then, Dr. Nirupama Singh talked about the painting field and its scope. Each and every tiny bit of knowledge was provided to the students including the importance of life study, still life, portraits, murals, mosaics painting, landscape, and the importance of observation, imagination and application of mediums in painting. Further, Ekta Sharma gave an insight about printmaking. Different mediums like relief, planography and intaglio were briefed. The session was then headed with the applied arts teachers, Shwet Goel, Sheetal Chitangia, Aayushi Jain, and Manika Sharma. Students got to know about the vastness of the field. They were told about career opportunities in the field of designing, photography, illustration and many more.

Jyoti Jalan from art history, enlightened the participants regarding the importance and application of theory in varied practical fields.  It was also told what career options they can go for after their degree course. Dr. Giriraj Sharma took queries regarding sculpture area and clay modelling.

The session ended with the queries of the participants taken by experts. They were also informed about the scholarships and also, they can apply abroad for the same. This one-hour session really proved to be beneficial for a number of them.


Outcome of the activity/event/seminar/workshop: The students could accustom with the course they have chosen.