Interactive session 2014-15

Clear vision, brilliant ideas, confident, knowledgeable, strong concepts and the ability to present and execute the ideas effectively, these are the qualities an Applied Arts student should possess. Other than these it is very important to stay up to date with the market trends and strategies, have clear definitions about the terminology used in the field. In order to mould each student into this person some combined group activities are conducted on a monthly basis including all the Applied arts students.

Group discussions happen twice a month. A,B,C,D of Graphic Design and Illustration are talked about. These group discussions inculcate a bond between the juniors with their seniors. They even learn how to work in harmony and respect others' ideas and come up with the best solution for the problem. Besides, designing is all about problem solving. These group discussions cover all the aspects of Applied Arts be it about the basic knowledge of a logo or advertising strategies and tactics. What is a punchline, tagline and baseline, how to write them, what's their difference ,copywriting skills, all is talked about. The legality of trademarks and copyrights are also discussed. Various types of campaigns and media, new trends in advertising media and various appeals used since the time of inception of advertisements are brought to the table. Who is our target audience, how the market segmentation works are few other important topics being discussed on a regular basis. Students are also made aware about the printing process and its techniques. Types, styles and techniques of illustrations are shown and talked about. Students are being made aware of how the communication process works and various mass communication forms available in the market.

To keep the students engaged and to keep them on their toes quizzes are conducted. This helps them to have all their concepts clear and on their tips. These quizzes are based on the current trends of the market, the basic advertisement concepts, the people who have an impact on this industry, about the brands, their taglines, logos and ads and campaigns. It proves to be an effective way of teaching the theoretical aspects of advertisement and illustration.

Besides this, classroom makeover has been a tradition. Every month along with the paper change the classroom gets into a new feel. Based on the subject’s content the students get things and display them. They have to search in the market, at their homes and sometimes even the scrap merchants to get the things required. This display becomes a part of their research about their subject they are learning. While they are searching for all these, they acquire deep knowledge about the media in the market, the work which is happening in the market, the current trends, how people are working. All of them search for campaign material available in the market, ads they get from newspapers and magazines, innovative and interesting packaging of various products, artworks which have inspired them in any manner, books, cut-outs everything is welcomed in the class.Once they collect all these and bring them back to the class, an open discussion happens in which they are made aware of how these artworks were produced, the design process behind each artwork and all. While collecting these material from different sources their conversational skills are refined too, they learn how to deal with shopkeepers and other people in the market in order to get what they need for their research.This opens up their brains to a new level when they are able to see the theoretical concepts they were told are in a hard copy in front of them. Live examples give a strong base to the concept and they remember them easily.